Thursday, January 24, 2008

pol sci 14-oral exam

We just had our oral exam in Political Science 14 awhile ago. I consider my professor, Sir Talledo, as one of the most notorious professor in UPV. I was really very nervous during the oral exam BUT surprisingly, i got the highest score, which is 2.0. I know the grade is not that big but then I'm a bit proud of myself because of the score I got. We had also a handful of upperclassmen with us. Prof. Talledo is the nephew of Prof. Ledesma who was rumored to give Sen. Miriam Santiago a grade of 5.0 in his subject.

I was so nervous becauseI wasn't able to study well.I had an exam yesterday which was very tough.

I am really very thankful to God, because He is always guiding me.

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